Nothing happens when I click record. What should I do?
Firstly, don't stress. We'll figure this out. This problem occurs because you haven't given the app microphone access.
If you're on your phone, all you need to do is find the setting that grants your browser microphone access and switch that on. (if you're on iOS, download the web app from here (use Safari). Then go to Settings > Safari > Microphone > Allow Access, and it won't keep asking you for permission every time you open the app)
The app seems to be taking too long to summarize. What should I do?
If you've waited for a while and the app seems to be taking forever to transcribe and summarize, you might want to consider refreshing the page.
I upgraded to Prime but my account still shows as Free. Why?
Sometimes it takes a minute for your account to get automatically upgraded. If it hasn't happened after a minute, the most common problem is that you were not signed in during your upgrade. In any case, fret not. Send me an email at contact@infinitustechnology.com, or get in touch with me via the troubleshooting section, and I'll fix things manually.cribe and summarize, you might want to consider refreshing the page.
Is there a native mobile app for AudioNote?
Currently, there isn't. However, you can download the web app here. It's what I use on my phone, and it works quite well.
I recorded something but the transcription was incorrect or made no sense. Why?
There are a few reasons why this might happen:
- Interfering Audio: Check that your device is not playing audio from another tab or app while you are recording, even if that source temporarily mutes itself during the recording. For instance, if you're playing music on Spotify, make sure to pause the track before recording a audio note.
- Audio from the same device: VoicenNote is not designed to listen to audio coming from the same device that you're recording from. For instance, if you try to play a YouTube video on your laptop, and run VoicenNote on your laptop itself, the result will be a load of gibberish. If you really want VoicenNote to record pre-recorded audio, you can play it from a different device and have VoicenNote listen to it.
- Wireless headsets: Sometimes if you're using a wireless headset, the mic might not be active, and instead your main device (phone or laptop) might be capturing audio. In this case, your voice might not be audible.
- Interfering browser extensions: Sometimes, I've had users resolve issues by turning off certain browser extensions that either interfered with the audio, or blocked microphone access after a few seconds. Sometimes even VPN extensions create similar issues. These are very context dependent so I'm unable to offer exact solutions, but it might be worth checking.